

  1. 答:-Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me ments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.
    -Thank you for your attention. If there are any points that I didn’t make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.
  1. 答:In business contacts , business correspondence is not only a medium munication,but also establish/set up friendship means to attract customers.business correspondence features and functionality of a business correspondence in the decision must pay attention to the principles of courtesy, the writing of the ess of business has an extremely important impact.Thus,in day-to-day business activities,we should be noted that in the Business English writing the application of the principle of courtesy in order to better co-operation to promote the smooth conduct of business.
  2. 答:In business contacts, the business correspondence is not only the medium municate, but also a means of establishing friendship and attracting customers. The features and functionality of business correspondence decide that the letter must pay attention to the politeness principle. The ess of writing it has an extremely important impact on the business of pany. Thus, in day-to-day business activities, we should noted the application of the politeness principle in the Business English writing in order to promote better co-operation munication in the future business..
  1. 答:在网上找,很多参考范文,一般就是感谢父母,老师,同学等帮助过你的人
  2. 答:啊但是公司大法官空间但是分公司东风公司大法官煽风点火股份 风格
  3. 答:找篇硕士论文,后面都有的,你可以参考一下
